Donna Caldwell Author
The Hearts – A Family Of Substance
Is the first book in the Hearts Series and follows the Heart family through their trials and tribulations, mixing with the dark underworld and titans of business. It is a fast-paced, thrilling, twisted, spicy read that deals with some dark themes and will keep you enthralled until the very last page.

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This book is a truly binge-worthy, fast-paced read that will keep you turning those pages.
Launch Event
The launch was a phenomenal success. An amazing evening was had by all and the event was incredibly well-attended. We were honoured by a visit from our lovely, esteemed Lady Mayoress, The Right Worshipful Mayor of the City of Sunderland, Councillor Allison Chisnall. It was a very humbling experience, and I just want to thank everyone who came along to support me.
Donna x